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New Here? This is Your Newbie Guidelines to Start Your Crypto Token Creation Journey!

作家相片: Dev SwansonDev Swanson

Here is Dev Swanson, Ethereum smart contract researcher and enthusiast (actually already involved in mutiple blockchains like BSC, BASE, SOLANA).


If you are new here, you need to pay 100% attention and read this guide because learning crypto is somehow confused and often your brain will feel imploded because of the massive information you need to read and consume.


NO WORRIES! Dev Swanson is here to help you to sort all these things out, which make you got a least some clues on what is going on, how to do this and that, when you want to create your own crypto tokens.


Are you ready?


[If You are clueless on How to Create Token, or You are New to Crypto, You Must Read This Guide to AT LEAST Got Some Clues]


First, before you do anything to create token, you need to know what token creation is about. People usually create crypto tokens to monetize their ideas, or just purely for funs, and for many other reasons. In order to make those crypto tokens working, you need to understand what Token Planning is about.



Token Planning:


-What is the idea/concept of  your token? Is it is a meme coin? Is it a Dog-themed coin? Is it a Cat-themed coin or Elon-themed coin or maybe just anything. Do you need a website for it? Do you need social media profiles on your tokens? Do you need other profiles on your tokens?


~Related: Guidelines on What to do with your tokens & How to Attract People to Buy Your Tokens & How to Marketing Your Tokens:



-Which crypto blockchains/ networks you plan to launch your tokens? Is it Ethereum network? Or Binance Smart Chains? Or other networks? Or Solana?






-How much capital you need to allocate in your tokens?


~Related: Guidelines on How much Liquidity to add & How to Attract People to Buy Your Tokens & How to Marketing Your Tokens:




-How you going to attract people to buy your tokens? Token creators need to actively engage with other people to make them invest in the tokens, and form a token community.



Knowing different strategies to attract people to buy & invest in your token is important, because it is what token creating is about.



~Related: Guidelines on How to Attract People to Buy Your Tokens & How to Marketing Your Tokens:




-What kind of tokens you want to create?


~Related: Guidelines to Create Types of Crypto Token (Pick one that you like, each types of token got its own guidelines, they are different from each other):




-How to Add Liquidity & Remove Liquidity (Make your token available to buy & Cash out your capitals) to your tokens?


~Related: Guides on how to Add & Remove Liquidity:


~Related: Guide on how to Add & Remove Liquidity also inside each guide of how to create types of token:


~Related: Guide on Create Your Own Token in Solana Network (Add & Remove Liquidity, Blacklist Buyers, Print Token Supply):



-How you are going to do all these stuffs?


Answer: It is possible to do it alone, but will recommend you to form your own team because doing all these setups and token stuffs alone are really time-consuming and hectic. You can find team members from your friends, families, internet friends, or just join some crypto communities (telegram group or other social media) to find like-minded people to be your team member.




If you feel those information is overloaded, take it slow, read some information little by little, day by day. Most important thing is you need to take actions by starting to actually doing those stuffs in order to get a clue and learning even more from doing the real stuffs. Nothing is easy.

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